#1 Small Town in CT

Neighboring Easton and Redding sit atop this population group like conjoined twins, sharing the Aspetuck River, Route 58, Joel Barlow High School and many of the sweet rewards that come with life in the back hills of Fairfield County. Both towns enjoy excellent school test results, with scores among the best in Connecticut,  joblessness is well below the state average and crime is not a problem.


Connecticut Magazine
Proximity to New York

Quintessential New England

The citizens of Easton are fortunate to inherit a town with so much of its New England character intact. Elements that draw visitors from neighboring states and towns survive here through a combination of family agricultural tradition and the town's location in a watershed area. The allure of tractor rides over stubbly fields beneath trees ablaze with color, small children laden with armloads of pumpkins, a stroll through the orchards to pick apples or blueberries, a Sunday drive past antique homes brilliant with summer flowers, a hike through woods that unfold uninterrupted for miles, a wintry trudge over snowy hillsides in pursuit of the perfect tree, invite people to revisit homey family traditions associated with New England's past... but still alive in Easton.

About Easton

Work or Play

At just 66 miles away, New York City is easily accessible for work or play.